Thursday, June 29, 2017

OutrunClover650 attacks EminentClock2

OutrunClover650 (X) revenge attacks EminentClock2 (IX) - OutrunClover650 said, "I don't usually use Richard with Conrad but I may start doing it more often now :) It was kind of surreal - felt like a smashdown only it wasn't."

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Emperor Training Now Available

An Xbox group as well as a new alliance have created to assist players who want to learn more about being an emperor.  Any player interested in becoming the emperor of your own alliance, please join the Xbox group, Age of Empires Emperor School.  If you are having trouble finding the group post a chat to your emperor asking for assistance.  Players are also encouraged to join the alliance Emperor School, emperor InnocentSloth9, however it is not a requirement if you want to stay in your current alliance.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Weird error with peace treaty

I'm stalking a revenge and this person has a ten day-long peace treaty! Had to screenshot this one!

Anyone else come across this?